Thursday, January 22, 2009

Braces Beginning :)

Jan 22
Well nice to start blogging again. I haven't done this is a long time. I always thought it was cool. Like a journal people can read and leave comments on.. tee hee. 

So a little about me. I am 19 years old and a freshman in college. I am pre-nursing right now and super excited to get started in the field. I currently have some of the best roommates possible (love you guys), the most awesome best friends, and a very supportive family :) The plan, if all goes well is to have my mandibular advancement surgery. I have a class 2 malocclusion I think. Basically, I have a really bad overbite that causes pain in my jaw, and on top of that most of my bottom teeth don't touch my top teeth when I close my mouth. In other words my bite sucks. 

I have been studying this surgery for years now, and putting it off again and again. I thought that maybe with braces it could be fixed but after a year had them removed and the problem was still just as bad as before. So surgery being the last workable option, I have decided it is time. I am just really excited for it now. I can't wait to have it done. My mouth will hurt for a while and I am sure that I won't be able to eat solid food for about 8 weeks. I just can't wait for my mouth to feel better!

 If anyone knows more about the surgery or has personal experience I would love to hear from them. Actually I remember that while doing research I came across Leah's blog about her surgery and it was the turning point for me. When I read her story I decided that it really was/is time to get it done. I remember reading that she was going to Nursing school and I hope everything is working out for her. Thanks Leah for sharing your experience. I met a guy in my Intro to Health Professions Class that had TMJ surgery and he has also been very helpful in answering some of my questions. It helps to know that he would do it all again if he had to. 

Yesterday, Jan 21,2009.. in preparation for surgery, I had braces put on all of my teeth! My Grandma was there for it and said they look great! Ha! I don't mind them but they are far from gorgeous. Oh well, I don't mind them they just hurt. My mouth is rebelling right now..swollen and bleeding, you know the deal. I had them before in 8th and 9th grade but I forgot how much I hate them. Somehow though, I think they are better the second time around. I will have to have the braces for two years because first, for surgery they will over-correct and bring my top front teeth forward so that my bottom teeth will have room when my jaw is advanced.  After surgery when my mouth has healed enough, then they will move my teeth back into the right position. Thats why it will be two years. Ugh. Or more appropriately...Ouch!

I am a little nervous about the timing because if I apply to Nursing school this semester then I have to go in Fall. But if my surgery is pushed back until July or August instead of June then I will have to defer from school. The program I am going into, I am not sure if they will allow that or if I should just defer for Fall and then apply next Winter. Hmmm...? I will post after I go into talk to the advisement center. 

Well thanks for being there. I will keep you posted about upcoming appointments and such. Oh did you want to see my braces..before and after! Yay! I love pictures. 


  1. really??? me too! my bottom jaw is receded alot. needs fixing. how much is this running you, out of curiousity?

  2. Marry me, abbyjawsurgery.

    No but I hope you're teeth are starting to feel better. I'll be in TX to spoon feed you mashed carrots, no worries. That's not good enough actually. Abby I offer you my jaw. I'm not using mine at the mome.

    If you refuse my offer much offense is going to occur in my heart.

    I love your blog babe. This was a really good idea.

    oh my god, you look fantabulous! <3 I miss you. i should visit when I'm not poor/unemployed/a heathen. =)
