Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 2...heat packs yay!

Hello all,

I am glad to report that with my recent discover that I can take percocet every 4 hours, that my pain is very much decreased from yesterday. Not only that but it's also good to know that I have to take antibiotics every 6 hours. Today I found out that ground up enchiladas are actually pretty tasty when you add sour cream and hot picante sauce to them! I was thinking while eating my yummy ground up bread pudding, about the one thing I really wanted to eat instead of bread pudding. I had been thinking about Enchiladas, one of my top favorite foods. Lo and behold, thats what we had for dinner, and I didn't even say a word to momsy about my secret food desires. 

Today I made the switch from cold/ice packs to heat. Unfortunately the heat makes my face and skin swell even more...vasodilation...ugh. On the flip side, my face and neck muscles are loving the heat. They relax which in turn lessens the tension on and around my face, which lowers my pain level significantly. Also, the futon couch is way more comfortable than the brown couch I was sleeping on last night so I am excited for a more comfortable nights sleep. I know the docs said that I could lay down to sleep but ya know, that just hurts. Laying down hurts, even half laying down kinda hurts. Too much pressure on my face. So this isn't the most relaxing and chill surgery to recover from in the whole world  but hey, at least I can still pretend to eat normally. Granted I have little control over my bottom lip (because it is huge!!) which makes eating and especially drinking incredibly difficult. I have managed however to find ways to push my lip against the glass so that I do not spill everywhere!! YAY! The first time I did it I literally patted myself on the back. I was so happy! Which reminds me, mom kept bugging me all day yesterday about my hair and how it needed to be washed. Today, I took a bath and washed my hair all by myself. haha. Its funny that, that fact makes me so happy. It was a task indeed. My head was throbbing and I felt really weak but I did it. My hair is clean. 

Want to know something kinda cool?? My jaw/chin was moved forward 13mm. THATS CRAZY! Really awesome actually! I am really excited to see what it all looks like when the swelling goes down. Good news though, it should start decreasing tomorrow!! Dad leaves on a business trip for a few days this week and I am hoping that by the time he gets back I will be able to talk more normally. Everyone asks me what part hurts the most. To be quite frank, all of it. Everything just hurts differently. Bone pain sucks and really that is the most intense pain that I feel. I mean really I have 3 screws in each side of my jaw plus new bone!! This pain is eased by the motrin and percocet though which believe me without them I would be writhing in pain most of the time. Then on top of that there is the muscular pain in my neck and face, thats just completely different. It hurts but can be soothed fairly easily by light massage, heat, etc. The most annoying and terrible looking part of it all, is the swelling. The swelling hurts like I don't even know what! I feel like my bottom lip has been stretched out over my head and around down by my feel then left to swell up. Ugh! It hurts. Heat kinda helps soothe the swelling pain but it also makes it worse. Ice worked so well but now Ice is hurting my muscles so thats a no go. So all in all, yes it hurts really bad, but then again not as bad as I had imagined so I am quite happy with the results. yay!! 

This is Jane's last night here and I am sad to see her go. I miss her when shes not around. Even when she is just down stairs I miss her and wonder where she is. Haha. I think its separation anxiety. We have never been separated this long in our entire friendship of 9 almost 10 years and so now that we are back together after a long year its like I don't want to let her go again. But she must and I must stay here. Thats life. Asi es la vida. Its good too, I am glad we have had time together though and that she was here for my surgery. I had my hospital buddy with me there. yay!! But hey I had better go take a nap or something...goodnight my dear friends and family, and followers haha

Remember to smile because all a frown really does is bring other people down, and when you look in the mirror if thats what you see than you keep yourself down. Smile and remember that everyday is worth living. Something good and important is supposed to happen for you every single day. 

Life is Good

1 comment:

  1. Abby, you are incredible! You are such a great example of positivity, and I admire you for taking this step in your life.

    I miss your smiling face around here and I hope to see you soon!

    (And YUM Enchiladas!)

    -Allison Barnes
