Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday!! 1.5 days!!


So I lied. Well I didn't lie. I just didn't end up taking tons of pictures today. However I was quite productive considering how tired I was today. this morning Jane and I woke up 15 mins late at the time we should have been leaving to drop my daddykins off at work. So we were more than rushed but still got to Wilford Hall on time. Wilford Hall is the hospital where I will be having my surgery, its on Andrews Airforce Base. I saw HemOnc and got my labs done there and some other necessary things. Then right after that we went home to take a nap and then headed to the gym. 

Oh my gosh! I haven't really worked out since I got out here so I loved every moment of it. I run about 10 minute miles and I got to 2.5 straight today, which is great! Especially since I forgot my inhaler in the car and started to tense up haha. I get this idea in my head sometimes that if I just push it that I can keep going and not walk it out for a few minutes between miles...well thats what I did today and thats where my problem was. Oh well, maybe one day I will learn. Gotta love awesome breathing techniques though. They save my life I tell ya. Let's just say it was a well earned workout hight today. I will admit that I am rather upset that I won't be able to workout much until about 3 or 4 weeks after surgery so really today was the last day. I think I might be rebellious though and go running tomorrow morning and then do some routine yoga anyway. I know I am supposed to relax before surgery but 1 month! Really?? 

So... I looked up all of this info about post-op care because I don't know, I just like to be informed. While doing the search I found awesome recipes that I can't wait to try...never would have thought of spinach salad as being good blended into a very liquidy soup but I might as well try it. I think I will get sick of ensure real quick so I am preparing in advance. haha :) My Orthodontist suggested that I try nachos ground up. He had top jaw surgery, I am having bottom, so he knows what it is like to be on a liquid diet for 6 weeks. I'm looking forward to that creation! I also found on youtube a lot of really interesting and informative videos about jaw surgeries. I really was surprised by this one girls videos...the swelling and bruising seemed to go away so fast. here is the link to her site if you want to watch the videos. It's nothing nasty I promise.  Just kinda cool to see her progress. Who knows maybe I will make a few videos and put em up haha. 

Today was a great day and I have tons more planned for tomorrow. Pictures for sure will be uploaded tomorrow night for yall to see and believe me if you stay tuned then you will see some interesting ones on wednesday and thursday. Don't be surprised if my hair is shorter tomorrow too...I'm getting it cut so that surgery will be less of a mess. I really dont want nasty things in my hair haha. I will take befores and afters of that too no worries. But hey tomorrow is my relaxation day before surgery so I will be taking care of last minute prep and eating wishes before I can't eat for a while. 

Food to eat tomorrow:

baby carrots
whatever i get at the rainforest cafe
bread (something i won't be able to eat for 3 weeks or more)
And whatever else my little heart desires and I can get ahold of haha...i love food :) 

I am getting a bit more nervous about surgery but the more I learn about it and the more I think about it, the better I feel. It's the right thing, and the right thing to do is rarely the easiest thing but hey compared to a lot of things this is a walk in the park and as my friend keeps reminding me, at least I won't be in school too. That's so true! That would suck...but here I am with people ready and willing to help take care of me when I need help in these next few weeks. YAY! Love you all and hope you have a great night. Maybe tonight will be the 3rd night in a row that I dream of beautiful languages, food, books, and beaches. If one thing has been constant in my life, for about 5 days before every surgery I have wonderful dreams about secret desires that I wish to fulfill later in my life. It's a great relief that at least when I sleep I set my concerns and stress and pain aside to go with the people i love, or in peaceful solitude, to beautiful places around the world, I can only really dream of. 

:D  A GOOD dream is one of the small and simple pleasures that I treasure as much as a really good eclair or a chat with a good friend. 


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