Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 3...oozing bruises


I am feeling quite a bit better today. After 72 hours the swelling is definitely down. Thank goodness. All that pressure on my poor little face just hurt. Don't get me wrong, I am still fairly swollen but I can sorta smile now. Laughing hurts like crazy though, so I have to really watch it when I am around my dad. He calls what I do "inserting" rather than "eating"  and his description of it gets me every time. I just crack up. I am so easy to make fun of and I actually don't mind it as long as its all in good fun. 

Even though the swelling is going down my jaw is ever more painful. I think it has something to do with the fact that the swelling cushioned my face and now that its going down my face, neck, and chest are showing more bruising and hurting more. My bottom lip swelling is even down!!! That makes me so excited. Today i about caused my grandpa to have a heart attack when I leapt for joy because I took a drink of chicken broth without 1)using my finger to hold up my lip and 2) I didn't spill all over myself!! Oh yeah baby! Progress!!! I didn't eat much today though. I was sleeping and hurting and feeling drowsy and dizzy most of the day. I must make up for that tomorrow. Good news moment! I am maintaining my weight at 115 so far!! That makes me so  happy because honestly losing tons of weight would be neither healthy or comfortable right now. I have noticed that my legs are getting thinner and that worries me because they are small  enough. I am bloated because of all the meds and liquids but I am sure that will sort itself out like everything else. 

Right now I can hear my dad playing music downstairs and it makes me think about when I was little and he would do that when I was trying to fall asleep. :)  I love being home. Jane left this morning and now I am a tad bit more lonely but its all good I know that I have people around that love me and want to help me get better so I am content where I am. P.S. sleeping on a recliner isnt nearly as awful as it sounds, and when lying down completely hurts, well a recliner is like a dream bed. 

Have fun! Hakuna Matata

1 comment:

  1. Looking great, Abby! What a trooper you are. Kisses from the Eskelsens--
